The SlashGear team gets behind the wheel of the 2024 Mercedes-AMG GLC 43 Coupe and surprisingly, it didn't keep us longing ...
随着电气化浪潮席卷汽车行业的每一个角落,是时候对传统高性能车型进行一次全新的改造了。2024款梅赛德斯-AMG GLC 43 Coupe正是在这样的背景下应运而生,它放弃了上一代车型的轻度混合动力V6 ...
2019年,轿跑SUV风头正劲,不仅有吉利星越、长安CS85 COUPE、哈弗F7x等新品亮相,就连轿跑SUV细分市场的领头羊启辰星T90也推出了全新车型。 这些帅哥的到来充分彰显了新市场的朝气与活力,这是逐渐审美疲劳的SUV市场所渴求的新潮流。年轻人往往不甘于平凡,而轿跑SUV鲜明的跨界视觉风格和SUV底盘的宽敞性满足了他们的需求。 其实跨界SUV风潮最早源自豪华品牌,2015年之后奔驰GLE运 ...
There's no denying the 458 Spider is faster than all three SUVs in the quarter mile, but care to guess which SUV has the ...
摘要:一雪前耻。 一个月不到,为一款车三次公开站台,余承东煞费苦心,誓要让智界掀翻特斯拉。 9月10日,在发布完全球首款量产“三折旗舰”手机后,华为汽车BU董事长余承东又带来了智界R7。这是奇瑞和华为联手打造的第二款车型,它出手就要硬刚当下SUV顶流--ModelY。 余承东表示,智界R7要用ModelY的价格,买到特斯拉“百万级”ModelX的体验,“(R7)在智驾、底盘、座舱空间、续航方面都远 ...
平治 Mercedes-AMG 刚运来两款全新GLC43右軚样办车,分别是GLC43 4Matic SUV和GLC43 4Matic Coupe,即日起在港岛柴湾品牌中心公开首展出,两个型号售价分别为HK$999,000起及HK$1,065,000起 ...
The comparison of the 2025 Lexus NX and the 2025 Mercedes-Benz GLC exemplifies the impressive lengths luxury brands go to to ...
Second hand LeasePlan Used Cars Liège Mercedes GLC Coupe GLC Coupé 200 D Business Solution CAM LEDER/CUIR LED PDC Cruise Control Trekhaak Sièges Chauff.
Monterey Car Week recap 2025 Lincoln Navigator Ruf Rodeo Cadillac Opulent Velocity concept Lamborghini Temerario Porsche 911 ...
One could make the argument that the Cadillac Lyriq is actually a crossover coupe, which leads us to ask - do you think the ...
The Omoda C9 SUV has been previewed today in Malaysia ahead of its market launch that will take place in December this year, ...
由麦玲玲、蔡景行(行仔)、施焯日(Arthur)主持的无綫TVB ...