最近,49岁的匈牙利女老板克里斯蒂安娜·巴尔索尼-阿西迪亚科诺(Cristiana Bársony-Arcidiacono)因黎巴嫩的传呼机爆炸事件受到了全世界的关注。 虽然克里斯蒂安娜矢口否认自己曾参与涉案传呼机的生产,并坚称自己只是个中间商,但据 ...
The MoD's current CSA is Prof Vernon Gibson. He initially held the role from 2012-2016 but returned as a temporary measure in ...
Unit 8200 is the equivalent of the US National Security Agency or Britain's GCHQ and is the largest single military unit in ...
在近日公开的 Autonomy 前首席执行官迈克·林奇(Mike Lynch)引渡案件的裁决书中,在惠普以 110 亿美元收购这家公司之后 1 年,Autonomy 员工被指示销毁公司办公室的大量硬盘数据。 地区法官迈克尔·斯诺(Michael ...
The National Cyber Security Centre issued the warning alongside its Five Eyes counterparts in the US, Canada, Australia and ...
汉斯·贝特曾经说过,克劳斯·富克斯是他所知道的唯一真正改变了历史的物理学家。由于苏联项目的负责人拉夫伦蒂·贝利亚没有直接把外国情报交给科学家,而是将其作为第三方核查,因为他不相信默认的信息,所以尚不清楚富克斯的裂变信息是否产生了实质性的影响。考虑到苏 ...
7, 8, 5, 5, 3, 4, 4 ? We'll give you the answer at the end of the article but it's solving problems like this that first drew Amena to apply for a spot on GCHQ's summer school programme to become ...
Jo Cavan, GCHQ’s director for strategy, policy and engagement. Jo Cavan is GCHQ’s director for strategy, policy and engagement – she joined 5 Live’s Nicky Campbell on his phone-in show to ...
The GCHQ website says “the card is sent by our director Jeremy Fleming to colleagues and partners across the world”, but also invites members of the public to have a go at “one of our most ...
Groups acting with ill-intent – ranging from the intelligence services of rogue states to criminal groups - are examining the ...
Mr Lynch founded Darktrace with Stephen Huxter, who had been a high-ranking official in MI5’s cyber defence team, and later ...