近日,2025款奇瑞Omoda C5正式发布,作为该品牌Omoda 5的中期改款版本,Omoda C5主要进行了外观上的小幅修饰,同时继续提供1.5T和1.6L TGDI引擎选项。 图为现款车型 此次Omoda C5在外观方面进行了小幅度的修改,尽管整体轮廓保持不变,但细节之处显得更加现代。前脸部分采用了新的前保险杠和进气格栅设计,进气格栅造型更加精致,横向元素增强了视觉宽度感,同时搭配了更锐利的 ...
Chery has released the first photo of the facelifted Omoda 5, which receives a redesign to keep it fresh after two years on ...
奇瑞Omoda C7拥有前卫的设计和智能座舱,采用X形车身设计、独特的无边界封闭式中网设计、细长的前大灯和贯通式下进气口。其它设计特征包括黑色ABC柱、可伸缩门把手和悬浮式车顶。
It has only been two years since the Omoda 5 graced the roads, but Chery has decided that it's time to give it a facelift ...
Based on the iCar 03 that debuted last year, the T2, known as the Jetour Traveller in China, adopts a boxy look derived from ...
The Chinese made the same mistake with an early model Geely which was a rip off of the Mercedes Benz 190 complete with Mercedes grill. They also copied a Range Rover and Rolls Royce and sold the ...
Although based on the same platform as certain Chery models and powered by the same engines, Jetour operations and sales will ...
In a relatively short space of time, Chinese vehicles have made significant inroads into the South African market. Let’s take ...