These dark excitons are uncoupled to light yet still able to interact with the polaritons. "Whenever the polaritons are formed in experiments, they tend to be accompanied by a substantial ...
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) researchers working with researchers from University of Colorado Boulder sought to control exciton/exciton annihilation by coupling excitons with cavity ...
That is made possible by singlet fission, a photophysical process in molecules and molecular aggregates whereby a singlet exciton generated by irradiation splits into two triplet excitons.
These particles could lead to the advancement of future quantum devices. Excitons are created when electrons and the holes they form, which are oppositely charged, bind together. Excitons have ...
They’ve uncovered details about the behavior of tiny, particle-like objects called “excitons” in these materials, which could one day lead to new magnetic-based technologies, such as ...
Excitons in complex chemical systems are becoming a vibrant research area in physics and materials communities, owing to their critical role in applications like photovoltaics, LEDs, and quantum ...
These particles could lead to the advancement of future quantum devices. Excitons are created when electrons and the holes they form, which are oppositely charged, bind together. Excitons have long ...
U.S. Naval Research Laboratory (NRL) scientists confirm the identification of a new class of semiconductor nanocrystals with bright ground-state excitons, a significant advancement in the field of ...
Researchers have designed and synthesized a new organic semiconductor for organic solar cells (OSCs). By adding specific side units to their structure, they achieved separation between the frontier ...
Low-dimensional metal halides are promising luminescent materials with efficient self-trapped exciton (STE) emission at room temperature; however, the understanding of optical behaviors and trends is ...
These particles could lead to the advancement of future quantum devices. Excitons are created when electrons and the holes they form, which are oppositely charged, bind together. Excitons have ...