Invitation Homes同意支付4800万美元,以了结美国联邦贸易委员会关于其在租赁费用方面欺骗租户的指控。联邦贸易委员会称,该公司在 2021 年至 2023 年期间收取了数千万未披露的费用,包括空气过滤器配送费、智能家居技术费和 “公共设施管理费”。联邦贸易委员会在亚特兰大提起的诉讼中称,这些费用在客户申请单位时并未事先披露。美国联邦贸易委员会表示,4800 万美元将用于补偿租房者。
在其他近期新闻中,作为美国最大的单户住宅房东,Invitation Homes已同意与美国联邦贸易委员会 (FTC)达成4800万美元的和解,以解决欺骗租户的指控。这笔和解金将用于退还受未披露费用和虚假租赁成本影响的租户。
B of A Securities:下调Invitation Homes(INVH.US)评级,由买入调整至中性评级, 目标价由39.00美元调整至37.00美元。 Invitation Homes(INVH.US)公司简介:Invitation Homes 拥有超过 83,000 套出租单户住宅。 该公司专注于在房地产市场的起步和升级阶段拥有房屋,平均售价约为 300,000 ...
Rented from Invitation Homes? You could be getting some money back. Heather Sullivan has all the details on a $48 million ...
The U.S. Federal Trade Commission on Tuesday said Invitation Homes , the largest landlord of single-family homes in the ...
The nation’s largest owner of single-family homes for rent has agreed to pay $48 million to settle claims by the Federal ...
Invitation Homes has agreed to pay $48 million to settle a number of allegations, including unlawfully keeping security ...
The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) on Tuesday announced a $48 million settlement with Invitation Homes, the largest landlord ...
A deal with a regulator shone a light on some ugly allegations in the company's conduct with tenants.
Invitation Homes, which owns more than 9,200 rental houses in metro Phoenix, agreed to pay the settlement to the FTC to refund consumers.
The owner of single-family homes has agreed to pay $48 million to refund consumers.
The company has rental homes across the metro and has been the subject of several Channel 2 Action News investigations.