华裔孩子Hu同学平时学习成绩中上游,没有特别亮眼的竞赛或特长。但是他 仅仅只用了半年时间,就成功逆袭被普林斯顿大学顺利录取 。让R.Hu同学半年逆袭的“秘密武器”,就是他在 主流认可的期刊上发表的一篇科研论文 。
Organizational transformation is the new innovation frontier. Few competitive choices are as powerful as being closer to your ...
一项新研究揭示了竞争性礼物赠与现象,以及由此带来的经济和社会地位差异。图片来源:Pixabay来源 PLOS翻译 王珊编辑 魏潇一项由日本东京大学、丹麦哥本哈根大学和日本理化学研究所脑科学中心发表的新研究发现,“送礼”也是社会变革的推动力。这项研究 ...
Revisiting some well known empirical studies where questions of model specification arise, we examine the advantages of adapting to—rather than testing for—misspecification. You may have unlimited ...
Anthropic Claude 3.5 shines in Chatterbox Labs safety test Feature Anthropic has positioned itself as a leader in AI safety, ...
Vaccine adjuvants have evolved significantly since their inception, transitioning from empirical discovery to a more ...
OpenAI's new o1 generative AI model changes the landscape of prompting and prompt engineering. Here's what you need to know.
Vaccine adjuvants have evolved significantly since their inception, transitioning from empirical discovery to a more ...
During rest and sleep, sequential neural activation patterns corresponding to awake experience re-emerge, and this replay has been shown to benefit subsequent behavior and memory. Whereas some studies ...
Laszlo Bock said Andy Jassy's drive to get Amazon workers in the office every day was a triumph of "traditional management ...