Police were called after "hundreds" of people spilled onto a residential street following a "house party gone wrong".
A man was arrested on Friday after Memphis Police say he shot a woman twice while she tried to break up a fight his ...
Rochester police responded to what was initially reported as a large fight at a McDonalds location on Culver Road Friday ...
An analysis of a 1.5 million-year-old vertebra from a human relative living in what is now Israel suggests that ancient humans dispersed out of Africa is multiple waves.
You can always fire it up again once the meat is cooked to get a crispy skin before serving. You'll know the meat is cooked ...
电解水制氢通常在碱性条件下进行,最近的研究工作正朝着在质子交换膜(PEM)在更有效的酸性条件进行,但催化剂的稳定性和成本仍然是严重的障碍。研究显示,六价铱(IrVI)氧化物在酸中的析氧反应比任何其他氧化铱都更有活性和稳定;然而,其实验实现仍然具有挑战 ...
It's worth noting that the Fed chose to slash rates by 50 bps this week, with the Atlanta Fed GDPNow (Q3) forecast at 2.93%.
The identities have now been released of both men who were shot to death during a one-day spate of gunfire tied to homeless ...
For at least two years, CEOs have been trying to bring employees back to the office, citing remote work's supposed negative ...
X的大部分员工多年来一直在旧金山工作,该公司的前身是推特(Twitter),其全球总部也设在旧金山。随着该办公室本月即将关闭,员工们被分散到湾区的另外两个地点——圣何塞的一个较小的办公室和帕洛阿尔托的一个共享空间,马斯克旗下的人工智能初创公司X.ai ...
Meghalaya’s focus on innovation, aggregation, and entrepreneurship signals a promising future for its agricultural exports.