The nuclear genomes of most higher eukaryotic organisms are diploid and are characterized by disomic inheritance and sexual reproduction. So, nuclear genes come in allelic pairs that are often ...
Two children had classical facial dysmorphic features, and two had a milder facial phenotype. Of relevance to the possible molecular mechanism underlying this condition, none of the four disomic ...
Subsequently, the chromatid that originated from the disomic gamete is lost (iso- and heterodisomy). In cases of UPD associated with one isochromosome of the short arm and one isochromosome of the ...
Henning, Frederico and Meyer, Axel 2014. The Evolutionary Genomics of Cichlid Fishes: Explosive Speciation and Adaptation in the Postgenomic Era. Annual Review of Genomics and Human Genetics, Vol. 15, ...
Aneuploidy, in which cells carry an abnormal number of one or more chromosomes, is highly detrimental during mammalian development, since amplification of most human chromosomes is inviable during ...