69 Criminal disenfranchisement laws may also be ... of blacks at a time when an explicit grant of suffrage to African Americans was not politically possible. Section 2 “put southern States ...
and led to the disenfranchisement of African-American voters. The same pattern has persisted in the modern era. Although many white North Carolinians declared that they approved of the Supreme ...
Comparing modern policy initiatives to the Jim Crow era, a period marked by extreme racial segregation and disenfranchisement ...
Given the major impact of felony disenfranchisement laws on the voting population, and in particular their strikingly disproportionate impact on African Americans, policymakers should consider ...
The Systemic Disenfranchisement of African American and Latino Communities Through School Takeovers.” The report examined state takeovers of local schools in New Jersey, Louisiana, Michigan ...
The Fourteenth Amendment allowed states to disenfranchise those convicted ... resulted in the vote being denied to thousands of African Americans who, as a group, have been disproportionately ...
Often those who don’t fit the typical narrative of disenfranchisement ... It is worth noting that around one in five African Americans live in poverty in the U.S., equaling about 8.5 million ...
Among 2020 voters, 92% of African Americans cast a vote for Joe Biden ... Mississippi’s voter disenfranchisement law affected ...
The American Dream has often been characterized by images of a white picket fence, a stable job, marriage, and raising a ...
Elections are the foundation of representative democracy. Your right to have a say at the ballot box was paid for with blood ...
to become more welcoming toward African Americans, Latinos, Asian Americans and others. The GOP would favor increasing voter registration totals, I thought. It would work diligently to persuade ...