A Swiss subsidiary of Brenntag supplied isopropanol and diethylamine to Syria. They can be used in pharmaceuticals, but can also be used to make the nerve agents Sarin and VX. Brenntag says the ...
The recent review by Wang and Lippard 1 raises the issue of whether the current trend of shifting away from the development of effective chemotherapy is most beneficial, from a global perspective ...
The actions of the machines are printed to the console. At the end of a run for a machine, the final reservoir layout is printed. Each machine is only allowed to run once. The order in which the ...
A stable interaction between antigen-presenting cells (APC) and T cells is dependent not only on the absolute affinity between the T-cell receptor (TCR) and its ligand but also on the relative ...
GIT Sherlock Scientific气体红外成像光谱仪用于高温气体和其他类型的红外光谱研究,使用HyPAT进行定量和分析。 GIT Sherlock Scientific气体红外成像光谱仪由一个红外相机、衍射光学组件、一个内置计算机和视频记录器组成,在偏远地区,可采用电池供电,也可采用交流 ...
Place the α-chloro-2,6-dimethylacetanilide in a dry 100 mL round-bottomed flask. Suspend it in 50 mL of toluene and add 10 mL of diethylamine to the solution. Reflux for 1.5 hours.
Pain, be it minor or severe, can significantly affect our productivity. At some point in your life, you must have felt like every joint of your body is breaking into pieces after undergoing physical ...
Acamprosate is used to treat alcohol dependence along with other rehabilitation therapy such as counseling and social support in people who have the intention of avoiding alcohol consumption.
ICD is much more common than ACD among users of the buprenorphine TTS. During the clinical development of the buprenorphine TTS, three double-blind placebocontrolled parallel group studies and one ...