internationalizing Taiwan’s situation did not lead to electoral success for the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) in the 2022 local election. It probably did not help the DPP in the 2024 ...
赖清德承诺将加强社会正义,以及严重依赖与中国贸易的台湾国防和经济。在胜选演说中,赖清德告诉支持者,他决心捍卫台湾免受中国的“威胁和 ...
A Chinese mainland spokesperson on Saturday slammed Taiwan leader Lai Ching-te's call for Taiwan people's so-called ...
虽然台湾选民将就经济、高房价、能源安全等关键问题投票,但台湾与中国大陆的关系却让所有这些问题蒙上阴影。 1 月 13 日,1900 多万台湾民众将 ...
Nearly 3 million trips across the Taiwan Strait were recorded during the January-August period in 2024, an increase of 70 ...