One of this year's coveted Lasker Awards has gone to Zhijian "James" Chen, a scientist behind a key immune-system discovery.
Rising demand for electronic devices and electric vehicles has increased the dependence on secondary ion batteries. While lithium-ion batteries are already popular, a promising alternative sodium-ion ...
There are many ways to lower stress, but I've found cyclic sighing to be immediately effective for me and my clients ...
NETs含有许多分子能够被免疫细胞的受体识别。例如,巨噬细胞和树突细胞吞噬NETs后,其胞内的cGAS(cyclic GMP-AMP synthase)能够识别NETs中的DNA骨架。另外,细胞表面受体TLR9也能够识别NET-DNA。一些研究也发现,NETs能够激活一些免疫细胞的膜受体,但是其作用机制还 ...
一氧化氮(NO)曾普遍被视为一种有毒有害气体,应尽可能远离。然而,后来的科学研究揭示它在生物体内发挥极为重要的生理作用,NO ...
Zhijian “James” Chen received this year’s Albert Lasker Award for discovering cGAS, an enzyme which scopes out DNA-based ...
The study was undertaken to help improve the performance and stability of electrodes, thereby increasing battery performance.
当进行CV测试时,如果扫描速率过大,则很难观测到峰或者影响峰的位置。 循环伏安测试(Cyclic Voltammetry):从初始电位开始,将按照恒定速率变化的电压施加在测试电极上,采集响应电流的数据,到终止电压后改变电压方向,反向继续以恒定的速率变化 ...
Die-to-Die 适配器则为chiplet提供链路状态管理和参数调整。其通过循环冗余校验 ( cyclic redundancy check:CRC) 和链路级重传机制保证数据的可靠传输。除此之外,Die-to-Die 适配器配备了底层仲裁机制用于支持多种协议,以及通过数据宽度为256字节的微片(FLIT))进行 ...
For the first time, scientists are able to directly compare the different kinds of injury that mechanical ventilation causes ...