New all-sky survey by the MeerKAT radio telescope shows the universe as expected at large distances - unlike previous ...
For the past few years, a series of controversies have rocked the well-established field of cosmology. In a nutshell, the ...
A long-awaited study of the cosmic expansion rate suggests that when it comes to the Hubble tension, cosmologists are still ...
An order of magnitude is not simply a 1:1 multiplier, so 120 orders of magnitude is likely far more than 120 times larger.
For decades, the Lambda Cold Dark Matter (LCDM) model dominated cosmology, building on Big Bang theories. It proposed that ...
A theory known as non-singular matter bouncing cosmology suggests that the universe “bounces” between a hot big bang era and ...
Enormous progress has been made in inflationary cosmology in the past few years and this book is the first to provide a modern and unified overview of the subject. Coverage examines every aspect of ...
NSF & the Simons Foundation will jointly fund two new National AI Research Institutes for astronomy. Each institute will ...
Astronomers used artificial intelligence to calculate the five cosmological parameters that describe the entire universe in computer simulations with unprecedented precision. Artificial ...
The universe might not be as you think. Until recently, the Lambda Cold Dark Matter model seemed to have a lock on cosmology.
最近,厦门大学科研人员在“随机引力波背景”研究方面取得了新进展。他们发现,黑洞超吸积产生的引力波信号是重要的随机引力波产生源,该研究为未来的宇宙暴胀引力波的探测提供了先期研究。相关研究成果以Stochastic Gravitational Wave Background from Cosmological N...展开 ...