In their lawsuit filed in May, TikTok and ByteDance argued that the law violates the First Amendment by censoring a specific ...
13日,全国人大常委会会议表决通过了关于实施渐进式延迟法定退休年龄的决定。根据决定,从2025年1月1日起,我国将用15年时间,逐步将男职工的法定退休年龄从原60周岁延迟到63周岁,将女职工的法定退休年龄从原50周岁、55周岁,分别延迟到55周岁、5 ...
回顾2016年,特朗普作为打破常规的政坛新角色跻身大选。相比于希拉里,特朗普为自身树立了一个敢说真话、不拘一格的超凡形象,并最终凭借选举人制度拿下摇摆州,险胜希拉里 ...
Chinese lawmakers on Friday voted to adopt a decision on gradually raising the statutory retirement age in the country, ...
(本报讯)柬埔寨大米联合会(Cambodia Rice Federation)近日发布消息称,今年前八个月,柬埔寨出口了412023吨碾米,收入达3.05亿美元。 柬埔寨农林渔业部副国务秘书兼发言人Im ...
Implications for U.S. Navy Capabilities—Background and Issues for Congress) ”的报告称,中国海军被认为对美国海军实现和维持战时西太平洋蓝水海域的控制构成 ...
NEW YORK, Sept. 17 (Xinhua) -- This year's budget deficit of the United States is on track to top 1.9 trillion U.S. dollars, or more than 6 percent of economic output, a threshold reached only around ...
China's strength in agricultural science and technology has entered the first echelon internationally, laying a solid ...
BEIJING, Sept. 10 (Xinhua) -- China has continued to enhance its childcare service system, providing 4.77 million childcare slots nationwide by the end of 2023, according to a report presented at a ...
Xi stressed that China and the DPRK are linked by mountains and rivers, and friendship between the two countries grows stronger over time. He added that this year marks the 75th anniversary of the ...