It's not just standard letters, you can also pay more to send a large letter with a first class stamp. First class stamps for a large letter cost £10.40 for a book of four. According to Royal ...
If you write with large letters, the experts say: "You are outgoing, people-oriented, outspoken and love attention. This can also mean that you put up a front and pretend to have a lot of confidence." ...
Write us: We welcome letters up to 150 words, and guest columns of 500-600 words. We reserve the right to edit for clarity and length. Include your name, address and daytime phone number.
To the editor: I grew up in Coronado as a military brat. My male ancestors fought in every American battle for freedom and justice, from the Revolutionary War to the Korean War. My father and ...
I agree with Mr. Tank’s article about the glum/grim victory party. The Saskatchewan Party should have focussed more on their victory and less on the chatter, because it was a historical victory.
So, as I understand it, people want to spend untold billions to pipe water from east to west to replace the water that is being pumped from west to east by the multi-billion dollar Big Thompson ...
Tuesday, Oct. 15: Here are today's Ottawa Sun letters to the editor. Re: Deachman: Ottawa’s traffic flex posts drive us nuts. But they work, Bruce Deachman column, online, Oct. 8 I was one of a ...
SAN JOSE: With the update to iOS 18, iPhone users are now finally able to use a souped-up SMS service called RCS. It stands for "Rich Communication Services" and provides more functionality when ...