As the splenetic narrator of... Banville's magnificent new novel, which won this year's Man Booker Prize and is being rushed into print by Knopf, presents a man mourning his wife's recent death ...
Les informations recueillies sont destinées à CCM BENCHMARK GROUP pour assurer la modération de ses forums et les notifications liées aux interventions. Vous bénéficiez d'un droit d'accès ...
The efforts of the police to undermine democratic protest expose the ugly political realities of Bri Coverage of the student protests shows the limits of media impartiality in Britain. Join us for a ...
Philippe Andrès, Théodore de Banville, un passeur dans le siècle, Paris : Honoré Champion, coll. « Romantisme et Modernités », 2009, 352 p., EAN 9782745318169. 2Le livre de Ph. Andrès ne constitue en ...
In this expertly paced debut thriller from Irish author Black (the pseudonym of Booker Prize–winner John Banville), pathologist Garret Quirke uncovers a web of corruption in 1950s Dublin ...
Le taux d'accès de la seconde au bac correspond au pourcentage d'élèves qui obtiennent le bac au terme d'une scolarité effectuée intégralement au sein de ce lycée, sans tenir compte du ...
John Banville is a novelist. His most recent book is The Lock-Up (Faber & Faber). The fusion of violence and pleasure defined the painter’s life and work. The recurring trope of almost every cable ...