China’s National Day, president Xi Jinping will have much to celebrate. The country looks starkly different from the war-torn ...
撰文 / 温 莎 编辑 / 黄大路 设计 / 师 超 这是一场没有一句中文的发布会。 发布会上,FF创始人兼首席产品及用户生态官贾跃亭的称呼变成了“YT”;发布会后,主办方举行了after ...
Leading processor manufacturer Nvidia, a favored Tier 1 supplier in the automotive industry, offers something similar in its Nvidia Drive units, of which its next generation Orin and Thor ...
【太平洋汽车 新车频道】5月28日,比亚迪秦L DM-i正式上市,新车共推出5款配置车型,售价区间为9.98-13.98万元。作为比亚迪王朝网全新车型,秦L(询底价|查参配) ...
Also in today’s newsletter, BYD’s planned expansion into Pakistan, and Germany’s SPD leads far right in state election ...
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau meets with Malala Yousafzai, the Nobel Peace Prize Laureate, in New York. Trudeau is attending ...
【太平洋汽车 新车频道】《每日车闻》 栏目将会为大家带来汽车行业里的各类新鲜滚热辣的新车、行业资讯,欢迎大家持续保持关注。今日车闻包括比亚迪秦L和海豹06 DM-i累计新增订单破8万辆、奇瑞和华为合作第二款车型智界R7官图发布、比亚迪宋L ...