IT之家 9 月 26 日消息,2024 款宝马 i3 已正式上市,共推出三款车型,售价区间为 35.39 万至 41.39 万元,与上一代车型的价格保持一致。 IT之家注意到,新款宝马 i3 采用了与宝马 iX1 ...
The internal combustion 3 Series will soldier on under the G50 and G51 codename, whereas the i3 twins will bev known as NA0 ...
2025款宝马3系 首先介绍的是新款宝马3系,作为改款版本,有5款车型分别为标准轴距版325i和330i以及长轴距版325Li/330Li/尊享版330Li。 新车外观上与老款基本一致,在此基础上,330车型新增标配BMW环形光耀格栅,整车看起来更有辨识度。车身尺寸方面,标准轴距版长宽高为4728/1827/1452mm,轴距为2851mm;长轴距版长宽高为4838/1827/1454mm,轴距为 ...
The Prius is often seen as the poster child for everything Boomers don’t want in a car. With its peculiar design that screams ...
2024年中国美院James Hope教授(福特GT90超跑设计师)计划邀请全球顶尖设计师分享他们的设计世界观。James Hope想邀请的第一个就是Benoit Jacob。 James对Benoit的个人能力与行业影响力给予极高的评价。我帮James联系上Benoit的时候,Benoit刚刚从地中海度假回到慕尼黑。Benoit与James视频聊了一两个小时,Benoit给James热情展示了他 ...
Several reliable electric cars deliver exceptional performance and impressive range, making them popular choices for drivers.
消息发布后,宝马股价大闪崩,一度跌超11%,市值一夜蒸发56亿美元(折合人民币约397.2亿元),创下2022年3月来的最大盘中跌幅。 财报显示,第二季度宝马集团总收入369.44亿欧元(折合人民币约2888亿元),同比微降0.7%,低于预期的379 ...
16. **Appearance Packages**: Expect a potential markup when dealers offer appearance packages, which can range in price from ...
MotorTrend’s Ed Loh chats with Tesla stan and “lean design prophet” Sandy Munro about the Cybertruck, Chinese EVs, and spotting cost cutting.
As for cargo, there be only 7.5 cubic feet of trunk space with the rear seats in situ. If they’re folded down, it becomes ...