Other Iranian languages of note are Old Persian and Avestan (the sacred language of the Zoroastrians for which texts exist from the 6th century BCE). West and East Iranian comprise the Iranian group ...
Around 1500, Indo-Aryan culture began to dominate the region. Indo-Aryan culture is associated with Sanskrit, a language related to Greek, Latin, and Avestan (the ancient language of Persia)--all are ...
2. The Sabellic languages. These languages, which form an as yet unquestioned subgroup, are a. Oscan, the language of the Samnites of central and southern Italy, who also expanded into Campania and ...
“Although I had never read Avestan, the ancient language in which the names [of Ahura Mazda] are written, I was determined to learn. Dr Er Rooyintan Peer, an inspiring figure in Avestan studies, ...
She gained her knowledge of ancient Iranian culture and religion through the study of old and classic texts (Middle Persian, Avestan, Manichaean, early Jewish-Persian, early New Persian) in Sassanid ...
Dr. Porta, a specialist in Greek poetry and religion, ably represented the Classics at Willamette in the year after Prof. Usher's departure (2000-2001). Among other things, he taught an intermediate ...
The Parsi community, which gave India many of its firsts— first cotton mill in the country, the first Indian-owned newspaper, airline and bank, to name a few—is now gearing up for another first.