[Davide] saw our recent post on magnetic levitation and quickly sent in his own project, which has a great explanation of how it works — he’s also included the code to try yourself! His setup ...
Today you might choose run Windows, Linux, MacOS or some other OS on your computer. Back in the 1980s however, you generally had little choice: a certain home computer came with a certain OS, and ...
董明珠在该会议上表示,只有公司管理层把员工照顾好,员工才会思考如何把格力搞上去。“我在2016年宣布给格力员工每人每月加薪1000元,红了一把,今年还会继续加,再给员工涨薪10亿元!” ...
综合媒体报道,德勒斯登本月13日因当地变电所一套110千伏系统遭到气球误触造成短路,导致供电不稳造成大规模停电,停电时间长达1-2小时。德勒斯登为欧洲重要的 晶圆 厂聚落之一,此次停电不仅冲击格芯、英飞凌、博世当地工厂生产,也使全球芯片短缺进一步加剧,供不应求的情况将更加雪上加霜。