Apple苹果iPadmini78.3英寸平板电脑,现在在京东特价至3499元!并且可享受满2000减100元的优惠活动,绝对是近期的好价。iPadmini7新增了蓝色和紫色两种配色,搭载A17Pro芯片,支持AppleIntelligence,并且 ...
The best tablet is more than just a midpoint between your smartphone and your laptop, it's an entirely different experience that gives you a bigger window into your mobile world that you can hold ...
在接受《华尔街日报》专访时,苹果首席执行官蒂姆·库克认为用发展的角度看Vision ...
In the US, for instance, the iPad 10.9 (2022) is already down to just $298 (was $349) at Amazon, while in the UK, you can pick up the still-excellent iPad 10.2 (2021) for just £129 (was £300 ...
You're either a Mini person, or you aren't. Apple's smallest iPad has been around for years and it has its fans. The advantages of a smaller tablet include a lower price and easier portability.
与目前市场上热销的2024款iPad Air相比,新款iPad Air在显示技术上的升级显得尤为突出。当前型号的iPad Air,无论是11英寸还是13英寸版本,均采用了60Hz的LCD面板。而2025款iPad ...
就在近日,卡普空宣布《生化危机2:重制版》将在12月10日上架苹果商店,包含Mac、iPad以及iPhone版本,免费试玩,通过内购解锁正式版。所有配备M1或更高版本芯片的iPad和Mac,以及iPhone 16系列和iPhone 15 Pro都可兼容。
IT之家 11 月 14 日消息,卡普空前几天已经宣布将于 12 月 6 日推出《生化危机 2 重制版》《生化危机 3 重制版》《生化危机 7 黄金版》的 PS5 实体版,定价 2960 日元(当前约 139 元人民币),北美版将于 2025 年 1 ...
而此前“要信任此电脑吗”提醒信息仅支持通过输入设备的密码实现验证,而用户升级 iOS 18.2 Beta 2 更新后,可以通过 Face ID 进行验证。这一功能的推出,解决了以往必须输入设备密码的繁琐步骤,极大提升了用户体验。