The UN Security Council on Thursday condemned "in the strongest terms" the terrorist attack that occurred on Monday in Kabul, ...
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KABUL, Sept. 8 (Xinhua) -- A total of 122,000 drug users were hospitalized in Afghanistan, according to Mullah Abdul Haq Hamkar, deputy head of the country's counter-narcotics department. Afghan ...
Three years after the United States' abrupt and chaotic withdrawal from Afghanistan, the Asian nation continues to suffer the ...
"American, British, Canadian and Dutch troops have borne the brunt of the fighting in southern Afghanistan in the last two years," 过去两年里,美国、英国、加拿大和荷兰的部队是阿富汗南部的主力军。
Pamir Plateau, located in the southeastern region of Tajikistan, is one of Central Asia's most majestic plateaus. Renowned ...
El broadcaster cuenta con entre 60 y 70 cámaras, incluyendo la innovadora FTOne, para cubrir la gran final de la XLVII Super Bowl en ... Emitido en directo desde el año 1974 por Radio Bremen, el ...