This type of metabolism—involving a metabolic process known as aerobic glycolysis—supports multiple processes essential to ...
Investigations of PI3K and its downstream effects on Akt have confirmed that these oncogenes play a direct role in stimulating cellular glucose uptake and in directing the metabolic conversion to ...
A primary constraint for mitochondrial repression is access to cytosolic inorganic phosphate, which is determined by the glycolytic flux rate.
There are three main energy systems that store ATP in the body: phosphagen, anaerobic and aerobic, per the ACE. The phosphagen system provides an immediate source of ATP, but it has very limited ...
The products still contain stored chemical energy which can be used in respiration. Aerobic respiration Carbon dioxide and water. The products do not contain stored chemical energy which can be ...
Amount of energy released Relatively large amount. Small amount, but quickly. Aerobic Carbon dioxide and water. The products do not contain stored chemical energy. Anaerobic Mammalian muscle ...
In the August 25 Science, researchers led by Katrin Andreasson, Stanford University School of Medicine, report that, in response to oligomers of Aβ or tau, astrocytes produce copious amounts of the ...
How the hydrolytic activity of mitochondrial ATP synthase is modulated during brown adipose tissue (BAT) thermogenesis ...
The correct management of aerobic and anaerobic sets within a swimmer’s training will influence performance. This balance includes sharpening cardiovascular endurance and sprint speed.
By adding the stress of hypoxia during ‘aerobic’ or ‘anaerobic’ interval training, it is believed that IHT would potentiate greater performance improvements compared to similar training at sea level.