Ocean acidification is often described as the evil twin of climate change. Prof Richard Twitchett explains what ocean acidification is and what it could mean for the planet. Earth's oceans are ...
Sign our petition to help protect ocean life from ocean acidification. Shell-forming animals like corals, crabs, oysters and urchins are getting hit first because ocean acidification robs seawater of ...
However, human activities have fundamentally altered the ocean’s chemical composition. Since the late 1980s, 95 per cent of open ocean surface water has become more acidic, a process referred to as ...
Ocean acidification is the lowering of seawater pH over time, as the ocean absorbs carbon dioxide (CO 2) from the atmosphere. The pH scale is used to measure how acidic or basic a water-based solution ...
Scripps Institution of Oceanography at the University of California San Diego and collaborators, have published a ...
Sign our petition to help protect ocean life from ocean acidification. Shell-forming animals like corals, crabs, oysters and urchins are getting hit first because ocean acidification robs seawater of ...
Ocean acidification is mainly caused by carbon dioxide gas in the atmosphere dissolving into the ocean. This leads to a lowering of the water's pH, making the ocean more acidic. Carbon dioxide is ...
What is the 'other carbon dioxide problem'? How are humans driving changes in the chemistry of the ocean, and what might this mean for marine ecosystems in the future?
Mega El Niños could have intensified the world’s most devastating mass extinction, which ended the Permian Period 252 million ...
Climate change and a range of other human impacts are putting marine animals at risk of extinction—even those living in ...
A study evaluating 21,000 marine animals suggests the threat to ocean ecosystems is more widespread than scientists thought.
According to a study by researchers at William & Mary's Batten School of Coastal & Marine Sciences, the American lobster may ...