Academic Dishonesty Report Form. In the event that an incident warrants a Community Standards Board proceeding, the faculty member who referred the cases to the OSRR Office may be requested to ...
When a student has an academic dishonesty case at UB, two things happen: A sanction is applied by the instructor (e.g., reduction in grade). A record is generated with the Office of Academic Integrity ...
The Instructor must give the Student an opportunity to meet and discuss the case. A Student may bring a support person to the meeting. If the Instructor believes the evidence indicates that it is more ...
The grade appeals system offers recourse to a student whose grade has been reduced unfairly for alleged academic dishonesty. Additionally, instructors are encouraged to refer cases to the Office of ...
In some cases, a second procedural review will be scheduled. If students have a conflict during the time of the Procedural Review, they should contact the academic integrity staff to reschedule the ...
Holds are automatically placed on student accounts when there is a report of academic dishonesty. This is to prevent a student from dropping the course in which they have an academic integrity case ...
It is the official policy of the University that all acts or attempted acts of alleged academic dishonesty be reported to Community Standards & Conflict Resolution (CSCR). Following is an explanation ...
Their policies can be found here. Suspected cases of academic integrity violations should be reported to the course instructor or the relevant administrator of the school in which the course or ...
not all forms of academic dishonesty are intentional. In many cases, it's an accident made while under stress or when a student has procrastinated, experts say. Sometimes students make mistakes ...
Ultimately, it is up to you to choose integrity but we know it's helpful to have support. Perhaps you're interested in learning how to refrain from committing academic dishonesty or you've had a prior ...
Your instructor is contacting you in order to gather information about your work or activities as a student in their class. They have questions about some element of your work or class-related ...
Students at Case Western Reserve University are expected to uphold the highest ethical standards of academic conduct. Academic integrity addresses all forms of academic dishonesty, including cheating, ...