台积电 董事长刘德音今(5)日出席2019天下企业公民奖颁奖典礼,会后接受媒体采访时,针对南京厂上半年亏损表示,中美贸易战初期认为大陆厂商生意可能受影响,进而冲击台积电业绩,现在看来影响不大,南京厂产能相当满,明年也将照计划扩厂。
A PERSON WITH INTERESTS IN RELEVANT SECURITIES REPRESENTING 1% OR MORE Rule 8.3 of the Takeover Code (the "Code") 1. KEY INFORMATION (a) Full name of discloser: Qube Research & Technologies Limited (b ...
International migration statistics give the latest outcomes-based measure of migration, which includes estimates of migrants ...
When he was a witch doctor, Moussa Diallo would regularly smear himself in a lotion made from a clitoris cut from a girl ...