NTSB chair Jennifer Homendy accused the FAA of "downplaying the urgency" of potentially defective rudder systems on some ...
前者让空客超越波音,成为世界上最大的飞机制造商, 而后者却差点把波音公司推下悬崖 。作为曾经飞机制造业毫无争议的霸主,如今的波音却身陷多起飞机事故,股价跌去六成。甚至连宇航员都因为波音的飞船故障而无法返航。
2024年12月,波音737 MAX即将重新投入市场,美国航空宣布将恢复首批波音737 MAX客运航班。这一消息不仅标志着737 MAX的复苏,更为航空旅行的未来注入了新的活力。由于737 MAX在2019年经历了两起致命的事故,导致全球范围内的停飞 ...
波音公司曾是全球航空制造行业的象征,然而如今这个曾经的霸主却面临前所未有的挑战。这一切的开始可以追溯到2018年,当时波音737 ...
NTSB chair Jennifer Homendy accused the FAA of "downplaying the urgency" of potentially defective rudder systems on some ...
从 2021 年起,波音客机接连发生内嵌式应急门脱落、方向舵踏板被卡、机身外部面板缺失、引擎起火、空中急降、轮胎脱落、轮胎爆炸、冲出跑道、机翼受损等事故。
Federal judge Reed O'Connor ordered last week a hearing over a plea deal Boeing is hoping to strike with the U.S. in ...
波音一直受到负面事件的困扰。卡尔霍恩被聘用来解决波音的问题,但四年后,他不仅带着 2023 年 3280 万美元的薪酬离职,还留下了一堆问题。2024 年 8 月 8 ...
To recover from a stall, a pilot would normally push the plane's nose down. In the 737 Max, MCAS does this automatically, moving the aircraft back to a "normal" flight position. The system then ...
特别是波音737 MAX型客机在2018年和2019年接连发生两起致命空难,共造成346人遇难,这两起事故均与该机型新软件系统MCAS的安全设计漏洞有关。
Boeing is developing new software for MCAS. Boeing has admitted it was aware of a flaw on board the 737 Max months before the first accident, involving a Lion Air jet off the coast of Indonesia.
Boeing has come under fire in recent months for failing to disclose the presence of the Maneuvering Characteristic Augmentation System or MCAS on its Boeing 737 Max airliners. In fact, the ...