铃兰花被誉爲代表幸福、纯洁、谦逊及快乐的象征, 更加贵爲芬兰的国花,英国凯特王妃的御用捧花。 铃兰花生长在欧洲的温带地区,那麽澳洲哪 ...
Papua New Guinea is undergoing economic and social transformation. It is one of the most diverse countries in the world; home to over 11.78 million people and more than 800 different languages spoken ...
“有一个地方名叫马兰,你要寻找她请西出阳关……”前不久,南京大学新生学院开甲书院“马兰花开”社会实践队从江苏 ...
While sparse data makes accurate measurement difficult, most would agree violence and lawlessness are increasing in many parts of PNG. The broader context for this violence includes: rural decay ...
一直有一个很好奇的问题: 新中式品牌,他们的中式感从何而来? 一方面,区别于老字号自带几百年历史沉淀的buff,这些生长于现代的品牌,短短几年,就能够在一片红海中杀出重围。