Tiny black hole "bullets" left over from the Big Bang could be passing through Mars at speeds in excess of 7,000 times the ...
Watching for changes in the Red Planet’s orbit over time could be a new way to detect passing dark matter. MIT physicists ...
In a new study, MIT physicists propose that if most of the dark matter in the universe is made up of microscopic primordial ...
Researchers at MIT suggest that the microscopic "primordial black holes" could be blasting through our solar system at least ...
New simulations suggest that there are enough primordial black holes—potential dark matter candidates—in the universe for one ...
They found that if a primordial black hole came within a few hundred million miles of Mars, it could cause a slight “wobble” ...
Watching for changes in Mars' orbit over time could be new way to detect passing dark matter, according to researchers.
Physicists are still hot on the trail of a substance that could change everything: dark matter in the form of primordial ...
"Primordial black holes do not live in the solar system. Rather, they're streaming through the universe, doing their own thing," said researcher Sarah Geller.
Astronomers have proposed a bold new detector for dark matter: the planet Mars. We know the position of the Red Planet with ...
A flyby like this, the researchers predict, would introduce a wobble into Mars’ orbit, to a degree that today’s technology could actually detect.