1. | 不愿工作的;懒散的;懒惰的unwilling to work or be active; doing as little as possible |
He was not stupid, just lazy. 他不笨,只是懒。 | |
I was feeling too lazy to go out. 我当时懒得动,不愿意外出。 |
2. | 无精打采的;懒洋洋的not involving much energy or activity; slow and relaxed |
We spent a lazy day on the beach. 我们在海滩上懒洋洋地度过了一天。 |
3. | 没下工夫的;粗枝大叶的;马虎的showing a lack of effort or care |
a lazy piece of work 粗制滥造的作品 |
4. | 行进缓慢的;慢吞吞的moving slowly |
the lazy river 缓缓流淌的河水 |